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Oil is not bad for your skin... for real!

Let's take a moment to remember that when we were growing up we heard the term "Oil Free" plastered everywhere when it came to acne products and even non-acne products. The notion that oil was bad for our skin was HUGE, which led us down a whole new path to caring for our skin.

The thought process that since acne involves oil, greasy skin, shiny skin, whatever the terminology was, why in Gods name would we want to add more to it? So to treat acne or even a minor blemish, we would do anything we could to dry it up, strip it, and suffocate the issue so that it'll never see the light of day every again. In theory that makes sense, oil on top of oil is bad! Dry the sucker up! Right? Not necessarily.

In the process of drying up acne or that minor blemish, we strip the skin of its natural barrier and natural oils (which we need) causing the very surface of the skin to excessively dry out. Because of this process, a very thin dead layer of skin forms on the surface of the skin, sometimes you can feel it and even see it. Remember those natural oils I mentioned a second ago? The ones that are good and that we need? Well those natural oils still secrete microscopically doing what they are meant to do. But because of the thin layer of parched skin on the top, those natural oils get stuck and sometimes trapped underneath that layer. Think of a layer of plastic wrap on the surface of the skin. Nothings getting out. During this process the oils can become stuck, so much so that they turn into deep clogged pores. While some oils will secrete very slowly causing excess shine on the skin. Ever experience mid- day shine on your skin and think... "I don't know why I'm so shiny, I use oil free products, etc" Well this could be a result of that too!

Now, are all oils the same? No. Should we all be slathering our faces with oil? Not necessarily. Going back to my IG TV video on acne, we can all agree that what we wash our skin with and moisturize with makes a huge difference in the treatment of acne. Incorporating safe oils to your skincare routine may have a positive affect on your skin. Even to the point where your oils glads will recognize what's going on and think "Oh ok, she's got this" and in time even itself out. Now Im not suggesting you head to the super market and grab a jar of coconut oil and start slathering it on your face. Coconut oil doesn't have the ability to penetrate into the skin, the molecular size is too large to do so, therefore will only sit on the surface of the skin and could clog your pores.

Here are a few of my favorite oils that can be used on the face and body:

Rejuveniqe Light by Monat -

Can be used after cleansing followed by a moisturizer at night. Can also be used on the body.

Farmhouse Fresh Blushing Agave Oil -

Designed for the body after showering. Can also be added to a moisturizer or cleanser. Works well to remove eye makeup

Pure and Fresh Avocado Oil -

Designed for the body after showering. Can also be added to a moisturizer or cleanser. I have used it on top of my night cream in the winter to give a little more weight.

Oil can even be in your acne arsenal to help defeat those stubborn breakouts. If you are using acne fighting products that typically dry out your skin, incorporating oil into your routine can help combat that dry layer of skin so acne cannot only be taken care of, but it will soothe the existing skin around and help to prevent future breakouts.

Does this sound super strange to you? Kinda. Will your skin feel different when you use oils in your skincare routine? Probably. But I can't tell you how many acne clients I have seen over the past decade that these very issues were happening. I'd give them this run down, and 8/10 times I got some funny looks. But the trust I established with my clients made them feel at ease knowing we were fighting the good fight with a much gentle plan. It doesn't have to get THAT much worse before it gets better.


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