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Sweet Potato Black Bean Burger

Even though my husband has been a vegetarian since age 6, he would always turn his nose up at any type "veggie burger". He would constantly say "Its too much like a burger.." My response would always be...

Luckily within the year he has FINALLY branched out and broadened his horizons. Since the Beyond Burger and Impossible Burger are and always will be a hard no for him, I figured you can't go wrong with these tasty burgers.

~ I love to do my grocery shopping at a few different stores. The majority of my shopping is done at Aldi. Their prices and quality are fantastic! And you can't not love the aisle of randomness. Need a new laundry basket? Barbie doll? Exercise bike? Any-who, I also go to Trader Joes and Wegmans, which is our local grocery store. And of course the random Target and Walmart run. So you will see a variety of different brands in my posts.



- 4 small cooked sweet potatoes (or 2 big ones)

- 2-3 tbs chopped onions

- 1 can of black beans (drained and rinsed)

- 2 cups of brown rice (cooked)

- 1.5 tsp of garlic powder

- 1 tsp cumin

- 1 cup of quick or classic oats (not steel cut)

- 1 tsp dill

- 1.5 tsp paprika

- salt and pepper to taste


How to:

1. Pierce each sweet potato multiple times with a fork and microwave 3-4 minutes on each side.

2. Cook rice according to the package instructions

3. In a Nutra Bullet or food processor pulverize the oats into a flour consistency

4. Once the sweet potatoes are cooked and cool enough to handle, scrape out the baked potato into a big bowl and dispose of the skin. Add the black beans and mash

5. In the same big bowl, add the oat flour, cooked rice, seasonings and mix well

6. Take a handful of the mixture and round out 9-10 burgers with your hands

7. Place each burger on a cookie sheet with foil or parchment paper and cooking spray

8. Bake the burgers for about 25 minutes at 375 flipping them half way through

9. Let the burgers cool for about 10 minutes before serving

10. Add your favorite topping to your burger




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